Let’s rewind a few decades to the early 1960s.

John is white man working in South Carolina. Dameon is a black man working for the same employer. John and Dameon are cordial with one another and sometimes eat lunch together, a practice rarely observed in the south during this period.

One day during lunch, it comes to light that John plans on voting for a staunch segregationist who is also totally against civil rights legislation. Shocked, Dameon asks, “How can you vote for someone like that?”

John swiftly replies, “Hey hey hey, wanting segregation to last forever and not supporting civil rights for African Americans is merely my political opinion. Let’s put politics aside and continue having our nice lunches. I’m mature enough to do that, aren’t you? 🙂 “

Disgusted that John would support someone with such harmful and racist policies for black Americans, Dameon decides to never eat lunch with John because of this conversation. In essence, Dameon ‘cancels’ John.

In your opinion, is Dameon immature for ‘cancelling’ John for the political opinions that John holds?

The above are the results from the poll that I administered in my political group – Civil Political Discourse 🇺🇸

Facebook interviewed me personally back in October, 2020, and commended me for being able to host healthy, political conversations. My group is sorely lacking a robust Democratic/Progressive presence, so if you fall on the left side of the isle, I doubly encourage you to join. That being said, we welcome members of any political affiliation.

If you’re interested in seeing the rest of the commentary or participating in future thought experiments, I invite you to join my group.