Conservatives across the country expressed intense fury at AOC for promoting her “Tax the Rich” policy at an event* filled with…rich people.

“Why didn’t she wear that dress to an Olive Garden, where working class folk like me dine every other day?” asked one exasperated conservative.

A reasonable person might hypothesize that the most effective way to push for the adoption of any policy would be to bring awareness of said policy to relevant stakeholders and media outlets. It’s this exact same logic that makes protesting police violence at a Black Baptist church with no media attention kind of pointless.

Regardless, it’s unclear exactly where conservatives would have wanted AOC to promote her “Tax the Rich” policy, if not at an event with countless rich people and 100% free media coverage.

Whatever the case, we can all rest assured knowing that AOC will continue having this effect on conservative men everywhere for the foreseeable future 🙂

*By the way, AOC didn’t pay a dime to get it. She got in for free.

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