I am a Republican who believes in facts and numbers; this is why I firmly believe that ‘systemic racism’ is a total hoax, a fabrication of the left used to support their nefarious agenda.

Look at this infographic. This shows the disparity in income between whites and blacks in America. Yes, there does exist a sizable gap, but the explanation for that difference is a straightforward one.


There you go. Systemic racism debunked.

Now, critics might say something to the effect of, “Why on earth would black Americans make choices that deliberately lead them to have a lower income in the future?”

Here’s one of the basic explainers:

1) One of the main reasons why black Americans can’t tap into those high-paying jobs is because they’re underrepresented in higher education. They CHOOSE to not go to college.

2) Some reasons why black Americans are underrepresented in higher education is because they a) CHOOSE to not get the best SAT scores in High School, b) CHOOSE to work a low-paying job because they can’t afford to go to college, or c) CHOOSE to be born into poverty at a much higher rate than whites, which has a whole different set of difficulties and complexities in attainting a higher education.

3) Black Americans also CHOOSE to send their children to poorly funded High Schools. Many studies have shown that well-funded schools are the single-most important contributor in providing a pathway for higher education.

4) Now the reason black Americans CHOOSE to send their children to poorly-funded schools is because they oftentimes literally can’t afford to send their children anywhere else. That sounds like a black American problem. Not my problem.

Critics would push further and ask, “Okay, the sequence of cause-and-effect events that you laid out makes sense. Let’s take this one step further and look at the roots of WHY black Americans cannot afford to send their children to well-funded schools.”

But I’m afraid that’s where I put my foot down. The ‘why’ does not matter to me or my Republican friends. Because at the end of the day, it all comes down to personal choices.