
I’m The Sarcastic Republican.

I am a lover of political satire. I created my Facebook page back in June 2020 to put out some of my original satire. My first post was about the Black Lives Matter movement. When I initially shared this with my friends from my personal Facebook profile, I discovered something. My content was naturally very provocative. I didn’t realize to what extent until my friends started making comments about my writing style.

In real life, I’m a pretty sarcastic guy. And since I enjoyed satirizing Trump and the Republican platform using my, “I am a Republican who firmly believes…” framework, I decided to create an online persona whereby I would be able to easily create and share some of my writing.

Thus, “The Sarcastic Republican” was born.

My first big step in audience growth took place when I learned of the 2020 Libertarian candidates – Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen running for President and Vice President, respectively.

While creating satirical posts, I also decided to run some polls from my Facebook page.

I created a generic, “Who do you think will win, Biden or Trump?” poll with both of those options listed.

It wasn’t long after creating that poll when my comments feed became SPAMMED with 100s of the following comments:

Bear in mind, I only had ~ 12 followers at this point. What I initially thought was a bot attack ended up just being a lot of highly passionate Libertarians simply wanting their candidate represented in the poll that I was making.

This was the first comment I made addressing everything:

I then decided to create a poll pitting Donald J. Trump against Jo Jorgensen. Here were those results:

This poll earned over 61,300 votes within a day. I was floored. My poll received 3,500 shares and reached almost 450,000 people on Facebook. The engagement from the Libertarian community on Facebook was unparalleled.

But, in spite of receiving this level of engagement, I’m sad to say that I erred in correctly spelling Jo Jorgensen’s name.

Fortunately for me, the Libertarian community was very forgiving.

A few hours into the poll, I made a post with the following exclamation:

I was in genuine awe as to how the minority party in our country was able to mobilize so effectively. Then, I saw the following comment with raised my existing awe level by a factor of 100:

THE Presidential candidate for the Libertarian party commented on my post. I was shooketh, to say the least. My older brother is actually a Libertarian himself. I immediately told him this news. He was shook, too.

After conducting the Biden v. Jorgensen poll, I made my summary post. It’s a little on the longer side, so I’ll just link it out for those curious instead of sharing screenshots here.

In an effort to shed some light upon the Libertarian candidate, I asked all my followers to tag the MSM in the comments to catch their attention.

Unfortunately, even after hundreds of tags, we didn’t hear back from them. I know for a fact that they got the notifications; they chose to ignore us. Anyways, I decided to reach out to the official Jo Jorgensen campaign to solicit an interview on my newfound platform.

I was put in touch with their campaign coordinator and made my pitch. Unfortunately, given the active campaigning, Jorgensen wouldn’t be available for a livestream interview. However, they offered me something better. A chance to interview the Vice Presidential candidate – Spike Cohen.

And at long last, on July 28 at precisely 7p EST, I was afforded the opportunity to interview Spike Cohen.

17,000 people watched our livestream.

Since the livestream with Spike, I didn’t really do anything specifically with Libertarian figures. Nevertheless, the journey of going for 12 followers to 5,000 in a matter of a few days was something I will never forget. For that, I have the Libertarian community to thank almost exclusively.

I then had the opportunity to interview the Presidential candidate of the Green Party – Howie Hawkins.

Now, I write satirical articles on a weekly basis. Feel free to subscribe to my newsletter if you like my content 🙂

Thank you!

If you enjoy discussing politics, I want to invite you to join my Facebook group – Civil Political Discourse. Facebook interviewed me personally back in October, 2020, and commended me for being able to host healthy, political conversations. My group is sorely lacking a robust Democratic/Progressive presence, so if you fall on the left side of the isle, I doubly encourage you to join.