On a call with Georgia officials last Saturday, the President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump challenged Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, to a classic game of ‘I Spy’.

Here is the phone transcript, exclusively provided to The Sarcastic Republican:

Trump: “You know what, Brad, I don’t think you seem to understand the gravity of the situation here.”
Raffensperger: “Mr. Presi-“
Trump: “I challenge you to a game of I Spy”
Raffensperger: “Mr. President, can you please clarify wh-“
Trump: “I spy with my little eyes…11,787 MAGA votes. If you find them, you win.”
Raffensperger: “Sir, as I explained bef-“
Trump: “I am ordering you to play with me right now.”

The remainder of the transcript has been redacted to protect the dignity of the offices of the Presidency and the Secretary of State. It is unclear how the conversation ended.

One expert in behavioral psychology, Dr. Ramya Potluri, PhD, hypothesized that “it is entirely possible – and certainly highly probable, given the history of this President’s demeanor with respect to official encounters – that Georgia’s Secretary of State played along with his game of ‘I Spy’ to placate the irritable Commander-in-Chief.”

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